Saturday, October 29, 2005

On the Nature of Love

How do you know when you have it?

What are the signs and symptoms?

Is it acute or chronic?

Is it when you feel like the interstices between your cells have filled with helium and your feet no longer touch the ground?

Is it when you wake in the hours just before the dawn and watch your lover sleep, lips slightly parted, looking like an angel?

Is it when your heart swells so that it is hard to breath when your love walks through the door, even if you have only been apart for two hours?

Is it when you sit at the dining room table after dinner and discuss what to do and you decide to stay home and play?

Is it when your friends start referring to you both in the singular, as if you had melded?

Is it when you watch your lover dress and realize that you are both old, but your mind's eye still sees the young, lithe body that once was?

Is it when you lie together in bed as spoons, skin touching skin along your entire length, and you feel the fullness of being, and long for nothing?

Is it when you watch your lover being consumed by the hot breath of the dragon, skin turning slightly yellow with an undertone of green, stretched tightly over the bones so that the surface looks shiney and transparent; you can do nothing; you wish it was you instead?

Is it when you wake one morning and realize twenty years have passed since you first felt these things, and you remember them as if it were yesterday?

Is it when you see your mortality in your lover's eyes and feel as though you have been through this before, and will again?


At 9:29 AM, October 29, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, sadly love is when you've been through the worst fight ever and you both want to still work things out.


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