Is It Just Me?
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Friday, November 18, 2005
You know, I thought that when I started this blog, I would post regularly with wickedly written views of current events. What I found was that I was woefully empty of the sharp analysis I thought lurked within. No one likes to admit that they are not as good as they once thought, but here it is folks - I'm lousy at this.I guess that in part, it is because all of this seems so banal. How much whit is called for to make light of the Bush administration? Dubya is a caricature, Cheney is a smart, but dangerously twisted madman. Rove is channeling Machiavelli to the max. Condi is scarely earnest. To me, these guys are a trainwreck in the making. To me, this is so "in your face" evident, that it requires no special talent to point it out.
So, what's with the rest of us? How is it that 50% of the electorate thinks these guys are the cat's meow? This is what really perplexes me. How is it that normally intelligent types listen to the same speeches, see the same footage, read the same pundits, and then believe this group is the best thing since canned spam?
I am completely in the dark on this. Maybe it is the lead (see first post here). Or, maybe quantum mechanics does have it right and we are living in two parrallel universes that have partially merged. Dunno. What I do know is that we (the electorate) have to get off our asses and get rid of these misguided individuals before they complete make a hash of it.
With that in mind, go to your phone right now (or your keyboard) and contact your senators and congressfolk in DC and give them a piece of your mind. Let them know how you feel. It's time to wake up.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Keep It Coming Boys
Is it just me, or does anyone else find the administrations behavior strangely self-destructive?Cheney responds to the indictment of his top aide by appointing a pit bull.
Bush lashes out at all who question the “tar baby” he stuck all of our hands and feet into by calling such behavior “unpatriotic”. Have we heard this before?
After nominating his nanny to the supreme court and receiving a predictable shellacking, he puts up a right-wing, white, male (what a surprise) that guarantees a divisive and nation bruising fight. Where is the “uniter, not a divider” now?
You know it is getting bad when the House of Representatives starts to distance itself from the administration.
I love it. Keep it up.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Gas Junkies
Is it just me, or are we really a nation of junkies?The Senate just gave another display of amazing backbone by awarding the Bushies and the Oilies with an invitation to despoil one of our few remaining wilderness regions just to hold off the no-gas jags for about as long as it takes for you to read this post.
What is it about us? We seem incapable of seeing ourselves shitting in our own nest. What other animal does that? What twisted sense of values allows us to buy and drive Hummers while at the same time we complain about terrorists from the middle east and prepare to rape another pristine shoreline a little closer to home. It depresses the hell out of me.
I'm no saint. I drive a car that only gets 20-24 miles to the gallon. I even take it to the track occasionally and then I get about 10. So I don't have a lot of room to stand on a soapbox. But there is something about being in traffic, surrounded by these beheamothmobiles, looking out my side window at hubcaps, having some lamebrain on my ass with his eight million candle power quartz hallogen landing lights shining through my rear window right at eye level, that tends to get me pissed off. And why do we drive these things?
I can understand the "guy" thing where compensation is required, but what's the excuse for the well coifed suburban mommy with the cell phone in one hand and the half-gallon starbux in the other? Do we really need that extra ground clearance? I admit that some of those speed bumps can be killers, but come on.
Or maybe we require the four-wheel drive for those days when we JUST HAVE to drive through the inch and a half of slush that fell last night and junior has to get to his clarinet lesson.
Or it could be that we need to feel more secure in this dangerous world of today. I mean who knows when someone might try to fly a jumbo jet into your personal vehicle. It's a proven fact that someone wrapped in six tons of steel has a much better chance of walking away than some eco-freak in a samerai foilmobile.
Well, all I have to say is that I don't know what kind of world I am leaving to my kids. Makes me kind of sad though. That much I do know.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Why do people who believe in all powerful invisible being not believe in ghosts?Why do people who care so much for the unborn care so little for the living poor?
Why do people who believe government has no place in the market think it belongs in the bedroom?
Why do people attack gays and protect pedophile priests?
Why do people rant about "tax and spend" liberals while they bankrupt the country?
Why do people believe that someone else's love can destroy their marriage?
Answer me this.