Sunday, January 28, 2007


Is it just me, or is Bush really this clueless?

I watched the State of the Union speach last week as an antidote for the depression that had been gripping me. It worked in a way, but at what price. I had to sit through an hour of listening to someone who will struggle with a two-digit IQ for the rest of his life, and who is incapable of saying more than four words at a time without stopping to let his mental process catch up with his tongue. And we, the electorate elected him! Shame on us.

So, what were the takeaways? We have to save on the consumption of gas. Well, that's good, I agree. But then, a couple of days later, our Leader By Example gets in Air Force One and flys 96 miles to give a speach on conservation. Doh!

TA #2 - we have to send more forces to Iraq to clear things up. "Just give me a chance on this one," he says. Pardon me for being a bit skeptical, but the Iraq invasion was wrong from the beginning, it was mis-handled from the start, the long-term damage caused from this debacle will take decades to fix - if ever - and you want us to "trust" you on this final part? No, no, no. I don't think so.

And finally, what would we do without Michelle Bachman? The Lips from Looney Land, the Praying Mantis from the Prairie, the Freshman Femme Fatale from the Farm State? What an embarrassment. I thought the Secret Service should have stepped in. Clearly, she was planting a device in the President's brain using her tongue. We'll see if he makes another trip here to give us Midwesterners more tips on how to conserve.



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