Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Cut to the Quick

So, do we want to get serious about stopping violent behavior or not? Most would say “Yes” to that, don’t you think? If that is so, why doesn’t society (us, in this example) do anything truly meaningful to put an end to violence?

This is my take on it, and if I seem to over simplify, bear with me. Who perpetrates the violence on members of our society? That one is simple – men. True, women can be violent, but in terms of statistical representation, they do not figure into the problem.

So, men are the bad guys in this scenario. Not all men by any stretch, but almost all violent offenders are male. OK so far?

If society is serious about putting an end to violence, we have to come up with a deterrent and a penalty designed to work on violent men. What might that be? Prison? Not so far. Who out there believes that jail time prevents violent crime? Raise your hands. Bueller?

Prisons are temporary warehouses and training institutions that further corrupt individuals at state expense. They are the anti-cure to violent behavior.

What else then? Monetary fines? Social shunning? Sitting in the corner?

No. If you want to get a man’s attention, look down. The answer is hanging there just below the belt line. The crown jewels. The noogies. The cajons. The center of the male universe. (drum roll) It’s time for castration. That’s right. If society wants to put a dent in violence against its people, start de-balling the perps.

Let’s look at the advantages first.

It’s cheap. It’s a one-time expense as opposed to paying the daily costs of incarceration.

It’s effective as a deterrent. Believe me, no male wants to put his balls on the line.

It’s effective as a cure. Neutered male humans would exhibit the same behavioral changes as neutered males of other species (and we certainly have no qualms about using “the snip” to calm dogs, cats, horses, etc.).

It would stop the genetic passing of violent behavior from one generation to the next. No nuts, no offspring.

What are the negatives?

Well, as always, can we be sure that we have the right guy? We have a deplorable track record when it comes to punishing the right person. This becomes even more important when the punishment is horrible and permanent.

What to do with juvenile offenders? Does society impose the same penalty? I spose on the plus side, we would have a better class of boy’s choir.

What do you think? Is our present system working? Do you feel safe from violent crime? Do you want your tax dollars being spent on human warehouses where life is even more violent and depraved that on the outside?

Maybe its just me, but I think we need a change.


At 7:24 AM, January 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oi!!!ou melhor hello...
My name is Isabel Coelho, moro no Brasil, Florianópolis, e acabei de fazer o meu blogger, e passei por aqui, e resolvi escrever para você... eu não sei muito bem inglês (i don't speeak ingles very god) mais eu adoro essa lingua, e daria tudo para fala-la fluentemente...
Eu tenho 13 years, e gosto de fazer amizades (i like make news friends)... se você estiver interessado podes deixar um comentário para mim no meu blogger...
se você tiver algum parent com 13 years me apresenta...
um big kiss...
your blogger is very nice...
by by...

At 8:02 PM, January 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the comment at my two blogs, though i am not sure what you meant. as for your query here. for rapists and pedophiles i agree. take away the toys if they misuse them.

At 12:35 AM, March 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have an excellent point!


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