Monday, February 13, 2006

An Open Letter to Haters

Dear Fuckstick,

Has it ever occurred to you that one of the problems the world faces is a lack of love? Why would anyone try to create conditions where we limit that most wonderful of all human emotions? Why would anyone, particularly a devout christian, try to prevent two people from loving one another and declaring that love for all to see? And why would that love degrade your life (miserable as it must be), or your love (though I fail to see that you are capable of actually knowing or giving true love), or your marriage (cold and barren as it may be) in any way?

I see myself as a normally intelligent, well adjusted adult and I can't think of any logical answers for the above. So why are you trying to pass a constitutional amendment to prohibit two adults from declaring their love in the form of marriage? Because you are a bitter, repressed, fearful, insecure fuckstick? I think so.

You claim that if two men, or two women enter a committed relationship and ask for legal and societal recognition in the form of marriage, that this act will somehow take something away from your own marriage (assuming you found someone who was willing to commit to a lifelong partnership with you, you ignorant fuck). I don't get that. Could you expand on it?

Perhaps we (all of society) should ask those who beat their spouses about the quality of marriage. And what about those who divorce after taking that vow of lifelong commitment? What percentage of these failed and corrupted relationships are between one man and one woman (as opposed to the "perverse and profane" pairing of same sex)? Tell me about the sacredness of this.

You people make me tired. Is there a shortage of problems in the world that we really should be paying attention to? How about trying to get along and fix some of the environmental issues that have turned our food and water into a giant petri dish of uncontrolled biologic mutation. How about the unacceptable level of child poverty and piss-poor health care in this class-divided country? Perhaps we could quit playing the global bully and glutton and actually try to set a positive example.

Perhaps you could take your unbounded energy and pick another verse or two from that age old fairy tale called the bible and love your neighbor, regardless who they choose to love, and get off your hate trip for a while.

If not - piss off.



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