Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Cut to the Quick

So, do we want to get serious about stopping violent behavior or not? Most would say “Yes” to that, don’t you think? If that is so, why doesn’t society (us, in this example) do anything truly meaningful to put an end to violence?

This is my take on it, and if I seem to over simplify, bear with me. Who perpetrates the violence on members of our society? That one is simple – men. True, women can be violent, but in terms of statistical representation, they do not figure into the problem.

So, men are the bad guys in this scenario. Not all men by any stretch, but almost all violent offenders are male. OK so far?

If society is serious about putting an end to violence, we have to come up with a deterrent and a penalty designed to work on violent men. What might that be? Prison? Not so far. Who out there believes that jail time prevents violent crime? Raise your hands. Bueller?

Prisons are temporary warehouses and training institutions that further corrupt individuals at state expense. They are the anti-cure to violent behavior.

What else then? Monetary fines? Social shunning? Sitting in the corner?

No. If you want to get a man’s attention, look down. The answer is hanging there just below the belt line. The crown jewels. The noogies. The cajons. The center of the male universe. (drum roll) It’s time for castration. That’s right. If society wants to put a dent in violence against its people, start de-balling the perps.

Let’s look at the advantages first.

It’s cheap. It’s a one-time expense as opposed to paying the daily costs of incarceration.

It’s effective as a deterrent. Believe me, no male wants to put his balls on the line.

It’s effective as a cure. Neutered male humans would exhibit the same behavioral changes as neutered males of other species (and we certainly have no qualms about using “the snip” to calm dogs, cats, horses, etc.).

It would stop the genetic passing of violent behavior from one generation to the next. No nuts, no offspring.

What are the negatives?

Well, as always, can we be sure that we have the right guy? We have a deplorable track record when it comes to punishing the right person. This becomes even more important when the punishment is horrible and permanent.

What to do with juvenile offenders? Does society impose the same penalty? I spose on the plus side, we would have a better class of boy’s choir.

What do you think? Is our present system working? Do you feel safe from violent crime? Do you want your tax dollars being spent on human warehouses where life is even more violent and depraved that on the outside?

Maybe its just me, but I think we need a change.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Splain that agin, cos?

Bush Explains Medicare Drug Bill -- Verbatim Quote

WOMAN IN AUDIENCE: 'I don't really understand. How is it the new plan
going to fix the problem?'

Verbatim response: PRESIDENT BUSH:

'Because the -- all which is on the table begins to address the big cost drivers. For example, how benefits are calculated, for example, is on the table. Whether or not benefits rise based upon wage increases or price increases. There's a series of parts of the formula that are being considered. And when you couple that, those different cost drivers, affecting those -- changing those with personal accounts, the idea is to get what has been promised more likely to be -- or closer delivered to that has been promised. Does that make any sense to you? It's kind of muddled. Look, there's a series of things that cause the -- like, for example, benefits are calculated based upon the increase of wages, as opposed to the increase of prices. Some have suggested that we calculate -- the benefits will rise based upon inflation, supposed to wage increases. There is a reform that would help solve the red if that were put into effect. In other words, how fast benefits grow, how fast the promised benefits grow, if those -- if that growth is affected, it will help on the red.'

What a fucking idiot.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

That Sinking Feeling

New Orleans is back in the news. Much ado about what the federal government did or did not promise; did or did not do. You know the drill. Is it just me, or does any of this strike you as a bit strange? I like New Orleans. I really do. That city knows how to party down. It has an atmosphere of its own – kind of a “devil may care” freedom from prohibition, if you will. Might have something to do with knowing that the “not too distant sea is looming about three feet over your “hurricane slurping” puss at any given moment. It’s a great place to visit.

But, is it a great place to live? Maybe, but should I pay you to live there? Noooooo, I don’t think so. But that’s just what the displaced New Orleanians are asking me to do. There is great hew and cry about how the American taxpayers should help to rebuild a city that is built below sea level (not all of it, granted, but a bunch). Is this really a smart thing to do?

I don’t have anything against fools that want to build their house in a flood zone, in hurricane alley, or on the edge of an unstable sea-side cliff. If someone wants to build a straw house in the middle of a tinder-dry patch that regularly suffers from wildfires – go for it I say. But don’t come running to me when it burns down and ask me to cough up so you can rebuild the damn thing in the same spot.

Why should New Orleans be any different? Why should we rebuild a city, or a portion of a city in a hole below sea level in the middle of a known hurricane path? What about this makes any sense? If you want to live there, knock yourself out, but foot the bill on your own. You want my money? I will happily give it to you when I stroll down the boulevard sipping that “hurricane” or when I ride your streetcar; for services rendered in other words. Not so you can build a house that will once again get soaked and ruined.

Just my two bits.


Friday, January 20, 2006

I keep resolving to do more with this spot. I mean, it’s not like there is a shortage of things that get my blood pressure up.

Take the administration’s response yesterday to the OBL tape that surfaced. “We got them on the run. We don’t negotiate with terrorists; we put them out of business.” Ya, right. You bet. They're shaking in their boots, Dub.

Or our soon-to-be-next supreme jurist. This guy’s a cannon waiting to go off and he is pointed right at the freedoms of women, minorities, and gays. This is my worst nightmare about the Bush administration – not what they can fuck up in four or eight years, but what they can do to the Supreme Court, which lasts a lifetime.

Then, there is the congress. What a snake pit. How can we be so stupid as to elect this bunch of cretins and pickpockets? I am reminded over and over that a democracy gets the government that it deserves, but it makes me sick all the same to be a part of it. There has to be a better way (see “Draft” post”).

On a lighter note, I was just at the Detroit auto show, where the worlds automakers put out their finest for all to see, and I was reminded why the American big three are in such a bucket of shit. Both Ford and GM had vehicles on display that were SO big that they would not fit through the doors and had to be lowered through holes in the roof suspended from blimps. Of particular note was the Ford truck designed on the “locomotive” concept. It would look better if there were a bison smeared across its front to demonstrate its awesome power. Then there was the GM counterpart that came with its own look-alike step ladder to enter and exit the cab. There was the “oxygen-mask” option offered on that one. It made me sad.

There was actually one correlating design factor that I noticed at the show however. I couldn’t tell which was driving which because it was one of those chicken and egg things, but it appeared that the crowd was growing to suit the design styles. I thought the State Fair was bad, but it couldn’t hold a candle to the beef that was loose on the floor of Cobo Hall. The folks that were at that show must have tipped in, on average, over the two hundred pound mark. All of them lumbering around admiring the latest Behemouthmobile.

OK, enough. Gotta quit now or I’ll have to slit my wrists and that would put a blot on an otherwise nice Friday. Have a good weekend folks.
